


Veterans’ Mental Health: 7 Facts and Stats That We Need to Address

April 2nd, 2019|Mental Health, Military|

Growing awareness about PTSD has led to more support for veterans than ever before. But post-traumatic stress disorder is far from the only struggle impacting our veterans today. In an attempt to manage their suffering, many veterans turn to substance abuse. And getting help [...]

We Need to Make It OK to Talk About First Responders Mental Health

March 18th, 2019|First Responders, Mental Health|

It's not difficult to imagine that first responders need mental health support. The things they experience every day would keep anyone awake at night. The difficult thing for the first responders is talking about mental health support. Then doing something about it. First Responder [...]

First Responders and Mental Health Issues

March 18th, 2019|First Responders, Mental Health|

First responders ensure that someone is there for you in a disaster. EMTs, lifeguards, firefighters, police officers -- the title of a first responder covers many jobs. Since they are first on the scene, it takes a toll on their mental health. Here is [...]

Police Officers and Mental Health: What is Being Done?

November 16th, 2017|Mental Health, Police Officers|

Law enforcement officers protect us. They respond to tragedies and emergencies on a daily basis. As a result, the stress they face on the job can affect their own mental health. Here is a guide to police officers and mental health and the treatment [...]

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